Code of Conduct
The purpose of this policy is to establish clear and acceptable behavior expectations for Owosso Country Club members, guests, and employees. It is not intended to restrict the rights of anyone but rather to ensure that all members, committee members, guests, and employees can expect to be treated with dignity and respect while playing, working, or volunteering at Owosso Country Club.
Only members in good standing and guests are entitled to use the clubhouse, golf course, or grounds. The rights of any member to the privileges of the Club shall coexist with the period of his or her membership. The Club deems that all members upon election to the Club have given their consent to be bound by the by-laws and rules of the Club; both to the restrictions and the penalties imposed including monetary reimbursement to the club for damages to property and equipment.
Board of Directors / Committees
The Board of Directors, Club management, and members of the various volunteer committees appointed by the Board may deal with matters pertaining to the conduct of the members or employees.
Any member, family member or guest of a member, whose conduct the Owosso Country Club’s Board of Directors considers improper, offensive, or likely to endanger the welfare, safety, harmony or good reputation of the Club or its members may be reprimanded, suspended, or expelled from the Club. The Club’s Board of Directors will be the sole judge of what constitutes improper conduct or conduct likely to endanger the health, safety, welfare, harmony or good reputation of the Club or its members.
The Owosso Country Club Board of Directors may reprimand, suspend, or expel a member, if it is determined that the member:
- Submitted false information on the application for membership.
- Exhibited unsatisfactory behavior, conduct or appearance.
- Failed to pay dues, fees, or Club accounts in a timely manner.
- Failed to abide by the rules & regulations, as set forth for the use of the Club’s facilities.
- Treated the Club’s personnel, employees or any of the Club’s partners or representatives in an unacceptable or abusive manner.
- Failed to respect the golf course by damaging the Club’s golf course, property, or equipment.
- Permitted use of their membership account by an unauthorized person.
All members and players will NOT:
- Conduct themselves in an unsportsmanlike manner and knowingly cheat, disrespecting employees, members or guests, damage property or the course such as not repairing divots, ball marks, tee markers, signs, etc.
- Disregard the proper dress code or golf etiquette as defined within the rules and golf etiquette sections of the Owosso Country Club Members Handbook.
- Bring alcohol onto the course that was not purchased on site.
- Use or have an association with illegal drugs anywhere on the Club premises.
- Physically threaten, slander, or verbally abuse the Club members, committee members, guests, or employees.
- Ignore any rules prescribed by the Board of Directors
Should you be involved in or observe any breaches of the above, the following procedure should be followed:
- Inform the Business Office of the incident with a written description of the incident including the individuals involved.
- The Club President has the authority to take immediate action to remedy any incident or determine if the incident will be reviewed by the board for reprimand, suspension, or expulsion, if necessary, as defined within the Owosso Country Club by-laws, section: Resignation, Reprimand, Suspension and Expulsion.